최초 작성 일 2007/03/27 오후 1:57
자세한 설명은 [추천 원서] 추천 목록 @ 2009/03/08 01:06를 참고하세요.
* 링크와 평점은 해당 책을 찾아볼때 조사한 것이므로, 현재 amazon.com에 있는 것과 다를 수 있으며, 재출판이 되면서, 표지와 제목이 바뀌는 경우가 생겨서 링크가 약간 문제가 있을 수도 있습니다.
모두 좋은 책들입니다. 단지 아주 좋은 책이라고 하기에는 평가가 부족하거나,(또는 낮은 점수를 유지하는 경우) 2탄의 (The 8th habit: From effectiveness to greatness,The e-myth manager: Why most managers don't work and what to do about it 등) 형태로 출판되어서, 본편과 중복되거나 비슷한 내용이 나옵니다.
제 개인적인 성향인데, 과학이나, 역사 소설 형태인 경우 사실을 바탕으로(근거가 없는) 하지 않는 경우에는 제외를 합니다. 그 예로서 A short history of nearly everything, Ramses를 들 수 있습니다.
by Bill Mcfarlan
(3 customer reviews)
- Capstone (December 15, 2004)
by Michael E. Gerber
(15 customer reviews)
- Collins; New Ed edition (May 15, 1999)
Someone's review title : Not like the original
by Daniel Goleman
(63 customer reviews)
- Bantam (January 4, 2000)
by Paul Heiney
(3 customer reviews)
- Sutton Publishing; New Ed edition (December 25, 2006)
by Bill Bryson
(480 customer reviews)
- Broadway; Reprint edition (September 14, 2004)
Good reading, but it wasn't accurate scientific text.

The real work of leaders: A report from the front lines of management by Donald L. Laurie
(2 customer reviews)
- Perseus Books Group; Rev Ed edition (September 18, 2001)

How to run a company: Lessons from top leaders of the CEO academy by Dennis C. Carey, Marie-Caroline Von Weichs
(1 customer review)
- Crown Business; 1st edition (October 28, 2003)
by Stanley Bing
(13 customer reviews)
- Mar 2002
One of reviewer's title was "Hilarious but not so useful, July".
by Dale Carnegie
(19 customer reviews)
- Pocket; Reprinted Ed edition (May 1995)
One reviewer said that 75% of rehash from the "How to win friends and influence people". The other 25% was mostly modern anecdotes that support the original author's theories.
by Stephen R. Covey
(77 customer reviews)
- Free Press; Bk & DVD edition (November 9, 2004)
Ramses: The son of light - Volume I (Nov 1, 1997)
(174 customer reviews)
Ramses Volume II: The eternal temple (Mar 1, 1998)
Ramses: The battle of Kadesh - Volume III (Jul 1, 1998)
(25 customer reviews)
Ramses: The lady of Abu Simbel - Volume IV (Nov 1, 1998)
by Christian Jacq
- It was not historically correct.
by C.W. Leadbeater
(10 customer reviews)
- Gramercy; New Ed edition (August 11, 1998)
it was not much accurate.
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자세한 설명은 [추천 원서] 추천 목록 @ 2009/03/08 01:06를 참고하세요.
* 링크와 평점은 해당 책을 찾아볼때 조사한 것이므로, 현재 amazon.com에 있는 것과 다를 수 있으며, 재출판이 되면서, 표지와 제목이 바뀌는 경우가 생겨서 링크가 약간 문제가 있을 수도 있습니다.
모두 좋은 책들입니다. 단지 아주 좋은 책이라고 하기에는 평가가 부족하거나,(또는 낮은 점수를 유지하는 경우) 2탄의 (The 8th habit: From effectiveness to greatness,The e-myth manager: Why most managers don't work and what to do about it 등) 형태로 출판되어서, 본편과 중복되거나 비슷한 내용이 나옵니다.
제 개인적인 성향인데, 과학이나, 역사 소설 형태인 경우 사실을 바탕으로(근거가 없는) 하지 않는 경우에는 제외를 합니다. 그 예로서 A short history of nearly everything, Ramses를 들 수 있습니다.
by Bill Mcfarlan

- Capstone (December 15, 2004)
by Michael E. Gerber

- Collins; New Ed edition (May 15, 1999)
Someone's review title : Not like the original
by Daniel Goleman

- Bantam (January 4, 2000)
by Paul Heiney

- Sutton Publishing; New Ed edition (December 25, 2006)
by Bill Bryson

- Broadway; Reprint edition (September 14, 2004)
Good reading, but it wasn't accurate scientific text.

The real work of leaders: A report from the front lines of management by Donald L. Laurie

- Perseus Books Group; Rev Ed edition (September 18, 2001)

How to run a company: Lessons from top leaders of the CEO academy by Dennis C. Carey, Marie-Caroline Von Weichs

- Crown Business; 1st edition (October 28, 2003)
by Stanley Bing

- Mar 2002
One of reviewer's title was "Hilarious but not so useful, July".
by Dale Carnegie

- Pocket; Reprinted Ed edition (May 1995)
One reviewer said that 75% of rehash from the "How to win friends and influence people". The other 25% was mostly modern anecdotes that support the original author's theories.
by Stephen R. Covey

- Free Press; Bk & DVD edition (November 9, 2004)
Ramses: The son of light - Volume I (Nov 1, 1997)

Ramses Volume II: The eternal temple (Mar 1, 1998)
Ramses: The battle of Kadesh - Volume III (Jul 1, 1998)

Ramses: The lady of Abu Simbel - Volume IV (Nov 1, 1998)
by Christian Jacq
- It was not historically correct.
by C.W. Leadbeater

- Gramercy; New Ed edition (August 11, 1998)
it was not much accurate.
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